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Never Give Up

For this post I would say it is going to be more about me getting things off my chest, putting things out there and I guess also updating those of you who are always interested in my progress, or lack of it as my scores and results would suggest. I am also hoping this post can help anyone struggling at the moment, not just in sport but in life, the mix of emotions I have felt over the last eight months I am sure many can relate to. I’m currently sat in the cheapest Air BnB I could find having just finished my dinner and beginning to write this post. I suppose you could say this is proof that just because you’re a European Tour professional golfer it doesn’t mean you are living the life of luxery, in fact, if you’re struggling you find yourself at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Most guys stay on site or in player hotels but if the purse strings are tight it’s more about saving the money to keep going which is fine, but, it does mean you spend a large amount of time in your o

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